Thursday, July 9, 2009

Once upon a time in the town of party-hardy, there was a girl named Bon'que-que. She was really pretty, popular and was part of the most important group in school. Bon'que-que wanted to stop partying and being mean to people, she wanted to be herself and do good in school, but she blamed not doing the right thing on how her friends would react and how they would treat her. So she continued to act fake and follow the rest of her friends. Bon'que-que was hurting inside she kept making excuses to make her self feel better inside and continued to be scared to brake loose of her group. Time was running out she was going to start her junior year and wanted to make it in to a good college. She had a scholarship waiting for her if she just kept her grades up that's all she had to do, but she hasn't been focusing on her grades she was trying to hard to stay in the popular group.
Over the summer Bon'que-que started to work at a summer camp and she worked with a girl from her school she never took the time to talk to, her name was Chalisa. They became really close over the summer almost like sisters. this kind of friendship she needed it helped her realize that no one is holding her back but herself, she just wanted to be herself and she was going to stop being a follower and become a leader. So when school stared she said hi to her new friends when she saw them but didn't hangout instead she hung out with Chalisa and went from a GPA of 2.3 to a GPA of 3.89 and still working hard. Her old friends were nice to her until they realized what she was doing then they became mean and talked about her.
Bon'que-que feared this but it didn't bother as much as she thought it would and plus her had a true friend by her side to be there with her. one day she was with chalisa and they were talking Bon'que-que was thinking about were she would be at if she never realized that she is the one that can make choices in her life and she promised herself that she was never going to be scared to make a choice, because she found out that summer that even if u do make the wrong choice then you learn from it and not to blame people for what she is not doing because he was the one holding herself back not anyone else sure people influence your choices but at the end of the day its you life. Bon'que-que and chalisa continued to be friends and go down the right path.

Friday, July 3, 2009


To me Gee is saying if u want somethings in life sometimes you have to fit the part. you might be a good person but lets say you want a job its not about your real side its the ways the company looks at you that tells you if your going to get the job or not. the people with power and money say whats right or wrong and even if you hate it you have to dress up or speak the right way other wise you will most likely not get the job. I AGREE with him because even though people say its bad to judge everyone does it and if u want to get in college or get a job you will be getting judged so if you fit the part it will be so much easyer.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How do companies use women?

I was reading this article by a women who was disgusted by the way companies use women by exploiting them. For a example BK made a very sexist advertisement, It had a women with her mouth open and a sandwich going in, and The quote to it was "IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY"
The lady that wrote about it, thought it was wrong to sell sandwiches by "portraying one face-raping, a sex doll-esque opened mouthed passive women."This lady is tired of all these sexist advertisements and is really fighting them and the companies for doing it
I agree with this women 100% its wrong to exploit women for money. This really opened my eyes and see how people actually make all women look like hoe's just by trying to sell a sandwich, and other things to this is not the only advertisement that downgrades women i hope this stops or who knows whats next.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

i believe

i believe that know one can hold you back but yourself. So when people say that its someone Else's fault, to me they are making excuses for them being scared of failer. Theirs sacrifices that people have to make to get to where they wanna go. Everyone heard the expression "nothing good ever comes easy", well i think its true you have to be ready for anything and not give up when it gets hard and at the end it will be worth it, people also cant be afraid of failing because if u don't know how bad it sucks to fail then you will never know how good succeeding feels. So everyone who is blaming everyone but yourself just think and do what u have to succeed if u fall just pick yourself up and try again. there is always another way you just have to work hard and find it. just remember when you feel things cant get any worse that's when it gets better so just stick with it and don't give up thing happen when you least expect it.